Lost Souls: Free Text-Based RPG
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Lost Souls Grimoire

The Lost Souls Grimoire is where we publish code for the edification of the world at large. These pages will be mainly of interest to MUD programmers and administrators, Web designers, and Unix systems administrators.

A* Search Algorithm
A general LPC implementation of the A* search algorithm, a pathfinding mechanism.
JSON Module
LPC functions for encoding and decoding JSON.
Mass Conversion Script
Perl script for performing global search/replace on large file hierarchies.
Web Form Autofocus
JavaScript for easily and reliably moving users' input focus to the appropriate place in forms on your Web site.
Diminishing Returns Formula
Our favorite general diminishing returns formula, with detailed explanation, calculators, and sample code in seven languages.
© 2008-2012 Lost Souls, a free text-based RPG
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