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Atman Profile: Akronymn

Primary Incarnos
Nat, Level 52 male Losthavener kedeth ELF Guerrilla and Gatherer
Other Incarnoi
Ban, Level 77 male Losthavener svirfneblin ELF Guerrilla and Agnihotri
Arturo, Level 110 male Losthavener advenus Ringwielder and Agnihotri
Isildahur, Level 99 female Losthavener kedeth Attuned Aedarene and Questor of Axa
Klaus, Level 43 male Losthavener thond Knight of the Round Table and Summachos of the Pantarchic Church of Yehovah
Ultra, Level 18 female Losthavener svirfneblin adventurer and Kazarzeth
Vinetus Butcher, Level 44 male Losthavener srazh Kazarak and Discordian Legionnaire
Poison, Level 1 male Vanyar kielleth adventurer
Socrates, Level 21 male Istaxith srazh Attuned Traveler
Aristone, Level 26 male Losthavener kobold Kazarak
Rapture, Level 15 male Vanyar tuatha Aisenshi-Insei-Hoko
Bitey, Level 15 male Hellspawn fomor Brute and Weapon of Vengeance
Faja, Level 8 male Togreknar goblin adventurer
Lyrdel, Level 5 male Vanyar tuatha Aliavelyr
on Wednesday, January 30th, 2002 at 9:59 PM
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