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Atman Profile: Codrus

Primary Incarnos
Ashock, Level 60 male Vanyar dana Attuned Aliavelyr, Chosen of Vashanka, and Questor of Axa
Other Incarnoi
Ashedra, Level 93 female Othran dragon Shapeshifter, Crafty Linguist, Mhezlekai, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Eclavdra do'Draaskel, Level 35 female Yathrelar drow Attuned Ringwielder
Talizntix, Level 57 female Losthavener drow Shemset Sutekh
Audacity, Level 102 female Freeholder drow Hantaka, Gatherer, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, Weapon of Vengeance, and Ygellethite
Torg, Level 67 male Argnash garou Aedarene and Lykouros
Elest, Level 61 hermaphrodite Losthavener erechthiyon Attuned Zeteson and Kazarzeth
Hex, Level 48 male Zadnothruan wildling kobold ELF Guerrilla and Crafty Linguist
Jyuton, Level 39 male Losthavener trullja Brute, Discordian Legionnaire, and Kazarzeth
Syrinx, Level 90 female Zadnothruan wildling naga Attuned Frater Verbus Glacialis and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Elsae, Level 102 female Xintatlaan human Attuned White Maiden of the Coven
Truculence, Level 67 female Exomka imp Zetesa and Weapon of Vengeance
Lilura, Level 77 female Xintatlaan human Wise Mother of the Coven
Annis Helkate, Level 97 female Losthavener human Black Sister of the Coven
Antalcae, Level 60 female Vanyar drow adventurer and Cuar Faern
Maliskara, Level 35 female Sanctuari lunaeala Shemset Sutekh and Weapon of Vengeance
Adrastea, Level 14 female Trueborn Amberite Aligned
on Saturday, October 2nd, 2010 at 1:28 AM
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