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Atman Profile: Ralnos

Primary Incarnos
Zafyr, Level 56 male Losthavener iaman Justicar of Axa, Neophyte Warden, and Questor of Axa
Other Incarnoi
Plentiful Creativity, Level 57 neuter Losthavener nyloc Riddlemaster and Ringwielder
Kizilax, Level 43 male Losthavener srazh Zetesis, Aristeios, and Brother of Wine and Song
Shugurth, Level 47 male Losthavener slaan Aedarene and Losthaven Guard
Nyrius Raedarius, Level 30 male Losthavener llelimin Hantaka
Kielith, Level 39 female Seelie dryad Kazarak
Araras, Level 26 male Losthavener ardhalokh ELF Guerrilla and Gatherer
Piral, Level 35 female Wickwer svirfneblin Deep Whisperer
Akijo, Level 101 male Hanoman advenus Deep Whisperer and Garrik's Assassin
Alisa Philosophus, Level 28 female Avalonian human Warbreaker and Aristeia
Odbar Bishop, Level 41 male Losthavener human Shemsu Sutekh and Gatherer
Godur, Level 40 male Almerian wildling myrrisi Aisenshi-Insei-Te
Ogrim, Level 91 male Asgardian Aesir Kazarak
Ragan ont Ragard, Level 33 male Kolondan eolon Battlerager and Aristeios
on Thursday, August 13th, 2009 at 10:23 PM
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