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Atman Profile: Sevrior

Primary Incarnos
Kaess do'Thalizen, female Yathrelar drow Developer Emeritus
Other Incarnoi
Catadnid Walker, Level 60 male Losthavener dana Riddlemaster, Crafty Linguist, and Explorer
Voglolo, Level 33 female Exomka urga Soror Zephyrius Mutatoris
Barden, Level 37 male Rukhani lothar Ringwielder
Darnadis, Level 23 male Trueborn Amberite Lightbringer and Losthaven Guard
Aedruan kail Ganabyl, Level 24 neuter Losthavener phaethon Reaper
Fintel, Level 25 female Losthavener tuatha Courtesan of the Coven, Crafty Linguist, and Soulburner
Nilyrern kail Falaruthrian, Level 26 male Losthavener human Zetesis and Agnihotri
Tummius Weaver, Level 18 female Losthavener advenus Aligned Aristeia, Explorer, and Maiden of the Spear
Czizilith, Level 23 female Zokandur zuth Shemset Sutekh, Aristeia, Kazarzeth, and Storm Walker
Pamanmo ba'Bidekty, Level 29 female Wickwer svirfneblin Frater Verbus Glacialis
Boralama, Level 27 female Rukhani lothar Battlerager
Lyrpolnel, Level 29 male Vanyar lunaeala Verynvelyr, Aristeios, Crafty Linguist, and Losthaven Guard
Naisazel Zilartathson, Level 18 female Losthavener advenus Aedarene
Saluldru zer Dzoralidru, Level 21 female Losthavener drow ELF Guerrilla, Crafty Linguist, and Synousate Algesis
Billop Barleycorn, Level 19 male Losthavener advenus Deep Whisperer
Paubauk, Level 15 male Kathmandnar yeti Verynvelyr
Tandathran kail Fanathand, Level 18 neuter Faedraki phaethon Shemsu Sutekh
Frigling, Level 17 male Zadnothruan wildling bogual Zetesis and Aristeios
Nixalks, Level 21 male Losthavener srazh Attuned Verynvelyr and Gauric Legion
Glaukki, Level 26 female Losthavener human Verynvelyr and Apollonian Disciple
Rasiror, Level 20 male Losthavener rachnei Hantaka, Aristeios, and Crafty Linguist
Khagab, Level 27 male Mordiggar pnath Kazarak
Japadoth Piscator, Level 9 male Losthavener ardhalokh Shemsu Sutekh and Aristeios
on Friday, November 8th, 2013 at 1:33 PM
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