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Top Fifty Active Incarnoi in Adjusted Intellect

as of Saturday, July 27th, 2024 12:00 AM
Golden, Level 119 male Losthavener nyloc Aligned Aisenshi-Insei-Te, Lightbringer, Traveler, Crafty Linguist, Losthavener Wandslinger, and Neophyte Warden

Agun Ravenor, Level 354 male Talantonite Gezuuni Attuned Traveler, Crafty Linguist, Cuar Faern, Explorer, Fianna, Gauric Legion, Losthavener Wandslinger, and Magister Collegii

Valkyrie Porphyria, Level 427 female Exomka mazikah ELF Guerrilla, POEE Initiate, Ringwielder, Explorer, Kazarzeth, Magistra Collegii, Neophyte Warden, Renegade Wandslinger, Sister of Wine and Song, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, Synousate Algesis, and Weapon of Vengeance

Erur, Level 1258 male Losthavener human Warbreaker, Aristeios, Gauric Legion, and Losthavener Wandslinger

Thule, Level 550 female Obsidian Gezuuni ELF Guerrilla, Hantaka, POEE Initiate, Ringwielder, Explorer, Losthavener Wandslinger, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel

Thauzthano, Level 273 male Kedethuul kedeth Attuned Deep Whisperer, Traveler, and Gauric Legion

Self, Level 147 female Obsidian Gezuuni Attuned Tzetazh, Aristeia, Gauric Legion, Heth Karad, Losthaven Guard, and Losthavener Wandslinger

Jack, Level 348 male Losthavener bezhuldaar Attuned Ringwielder, Aristeios, Explorer, Magister Collegii, Neophyte Warden, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, and Wandslinger of Camille

Dab, Level 529 female Exomka kobold ELF Guerrilla, Fianna, Magistra Collegii, Wandslinger of Evendim, and Weapon of Vengeance

Faendal, Level 358 male Vanyar dana Attuned Zetesis, Cuar Faern, Explorer, and Magister Collegii

Wardlow, Level 502 female Losthavener dakshin Attuned Aedarene, Gauric Legion, Losthaven Guard, Losthavener Wandslinger, Magistra Collegii, and Neophyte Warden

Paryel, Level 151 male Vanyar tuatha Attuned Aedarene, Explorer, Gauric Legion, and Magister Collegii

Cerias, Level 428 male Trueborn Amberite Attuned Aisenshi-Insei-Ken, Deep Whisperer, Lightbringer, Aristeios, Chosen of Vashanka, Gauric Legion, Losthaven Guard, and Losthavener Wandslinger

Ponnae, Level 78 female Trueborn Amberite Attuned Verynvelyr, Aristeia, and Gauric Legion

Mochi, Level 1005 female Xotic runtling Aligned Deep Whisperer, Lightbringer, Aristeia, Explorer, Hanoman Wandslinger, Magistra Collegii, and Soulburner

Saroyu, Level 117 male Obsidian Gezuuni Aligned Explorer, Hanoman Wandslinger, and Magister Collegii

Laithde, Level 544 male Vanyar tuatha Attuned Riddlemaster, Cuar Faern, Jhanite Wandslinger, and Magister Collegii

Avand, Level 129 male Obsidian Gezuuni Attuned Riddlemaster, Ringwielder, Aristeios, Jhanite Wandslinger, and Magister Collegii

Miko, Level 173 female Hanoman kitsune Attuned Aedarene, Gauric Legion, Losthaven Guard, and Lykouros

Recursion, Level 155 female Othran dragon Aedarene, Deep Whisperer, POEE Initiate, Shapeshifter, Zetesa, and Gauric Legion

Thonik, Level 82 female Losthavener myrrisi Attuned Verynvelyr, Fianna, and Weapon of Vengeance

Spellblazed, Level 164 male Losthavener phaethon Frater Verbus Glacialis, Explorer, Magister Collegii, and Wandslinger of Corna

Epoch, Level 138 female Trueborn Amberite Aligned Frater Verbus Glacialis, Lightbringer, Ringwielder, Explorer, Hanoman Wandslinger, and Magistra Collegii

Ydand, Level 159 female Noldor svirfneblin Tzetazh, Inducted, Istaxith Wandslinger, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel

Carter, Level 264 male Losthavener human Warbreaker, Aristeios, Fianna, Gauric Legion, and Losthaven Guard

Jerald Quickfingers, Level 324 male Losthavener pixie Attuned Aisenshi-Insei-Ken, Traveler, Explorer, Gauric Legion, Magister Collegii, and Wandslinger of Camelot

Rashidun, Level 253 male Losthavener srazh Aligned Aristeios, Explorer, Fianna, Hanoman Wandslinger, and Magister Collegii

Matangi, Level 67 female Trueborn Amberite Aligned Seeking Damsel of the Coven, Crafty Linguist, Explorer, Hanoman Wandslinger, and Magistra Collegii

Sosas, Level 140 male Losthavener dragon Frater Zephyrius Mutatoris, Agnihotri, Brother of Wine and Song, Discordian Legionnaire, Magister Collegii, and Weapon of Vengeance

Mayu, Level 58 female Hanoman kitsune Riddlemaster and Lykouros

Harley Quinn, Level 56 male Losthavener Amberite Attuned Ringwielder, Agnihotri, Aristeios, Crafty Linguist, Gauric Legion, Losthaven Guard, and Wandslinger of Camille

Rudeus, Level 321 female Vanyar dana Aliavelyr, Aristeia, Cuar Faern, Explorer, Hanoman Wandslinger, and Questor of Axa

Zaveth, Level 49 male Losthavener Amberite Verynvelyr and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel

Prisine, Level 33 male Losthavener chaosborn Aligned Verynvelyr, Hanoman Wandslinger, and Stalker of the Gate

Meront, Level 521 male Losthavener cyflymyll Frater Verbus Glacialis, Aristeios, Explorer, Magister Collegii, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel

Thori ond Thwit, Level 89 female Kolondan eolon Aedarene and Zetesa

Vena, Level 336 female Losthavener kobold POEE Initiate, Fianna, Gauric Legion, and Losthaven Guard

Larkin, Level 161 male Xotic lunaeala Attuned Ringwielder, Chosen of Vashanka, Inducted, Losthavener Wandslinger, Neophyte Warden, and Weapon of Vengeance

Nallissi, Level 93 female Trueborn Amberite Attuned Courtesan of the Coven, Deep Whisperer, Hantaka, Inducted, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, and Wandslinger of Camelot

Apocalypse, Level 48 female Losthavener eldthurs ELF Guerrilla, Agnihotri, Aristeia, Crafty Linguist, Explorer, Gatherer, Neophyte Warden, Sister of Wine and Song, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, and Weapon of Vengeance

Akijo, Level 101 male Hanoman advenus Deep Whisperer and Garrik's Assassin

Axolotl, Level 120 female Hanoman human Warbreaker, Fianna, Gauric Legion, Hanoman Wandslinger, Kazarzeth, Losthaven Guard, and Lykouros

Brak eda Sawall, Level 426 male Losthavener lothar Battlerager, Chaos Knight, Agnihotri, Crafty Linguist, Discordian Legionnaire, Gatherer, Neophyte Warden, and Weapon of Vengeance

Asli, Level 135 female Losthavener lunaeala Aedarene, Losthaven Guard, Losthavener Wandslinger, and Stalker of the Gate

Merina, Level 133 female Freeholder pixie Riddlemaster, Explorer, and Magistra Collegii

Eithne, Level 129 female Shakarian advenus Attuned Deep Whisperer, Aristeia, Crafty Linguist, Gauric Legion, Losthaven Guard, and Losthavener Wandslinger

Trukozg, Level 104 male Hanoman urga Deep Whisperer and Hellwalker

Gawarret, Level 103 female Noldor tuatha Aligned Aristeia, Explorer, and Maiden of the Spear

Tatoko, Level 67 female Hanoman urga Verynvelyr and Hellwalker

Cthunoro, Level 67 neuter Syllyaczl vlekthid Attuned Deep Whisperer and Aristeion

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