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Top Fifty Active Incarnoi in Developed Strength

as of Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025 12:00 AM
Norsun, Level 842 female Losthavener dragon Zetesa, Aristeia, Magistra Collegii, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, and Weapon of Vengeance

Meront, Level 527 male Losthavener skaven Frater Verbus Glacialis, Aristeios, Explorer, Magister Collegii, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel

Jerald Quickfingers, Level 401 male Losthavener pixie Attuned Aisenshi-Insei-Ken, Traveler, Explorer, Gauric Legion, Magister Collegii, and Wandslinger of Camelot

Cerias, Level 633 male Trueborn Amberite Attuned Aisenshi-Insei-Ken, Deep Whisperer, Lightbringer, Aristeios, Chosen of Vashanka, Gauric Legion, Losthaven Guard, Losthavener Wandslinger, and Magister Collegii

Rashidun, Level 490 male Losthavener srazh Aligned Aristeios, Explorer, Fianna, Hanoman Wandslinger, and Magister Collegii

Faendal, Level 382 male Vanyar dana Attuned Zetesis, Cuar Faern, Explorer, Magister Collegii, and Wandslinger of Camille

Basgorn, Level 227 male Vanyar human Justicar of Axa and Questor of Axa

Brutal ont Bloodstone, Level 108 male Kolondan eolon Battlerager, Lightbringer, Aristeios, and Questor of Axa

Phife, Level 312 male Losthavener kielleth Attuned Aisenshi-Insei-Te, Aliavelyr, Verynvelyr, Aristeios, Crafty Linguist, Explorer, and Hanoman Wandslinger

Boozer, Level 117 male Almerian wildling vaasa Aisenshi-Insei-Te, Brute, Aristeios, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, and Weapon of Vengeance

Impeckable, Level 37 neuter Imptropolitan imp Reaper and Discordian Legionnaire

Vena, Level 343 female Losthavener kobold POEE Initiate, Fianna, Gauric Legion, and Losthaven Guard

Rudeus, Level 382 female Vanyar dana Aliavelyr, Aristeia, Cuar Faern, Explorer, Hanoman Wandslinger, Magistra Collegii, and Questor of Axa

Fangi ont Tallon, Level 38 male Kolondan eolon Battlerager and Questor of Axa

Malkuth, Level 400 male Losthavener kobold Ringwielder, Traveler, Gauric Legion, and Wandslinger of Corna

Agargos, Level 73 neuter Mycenaean minotaur Reaper

Szakekothix, Level 79 female Zadnothruan wildling vaasa Justicar of Axa, Explorer, Questor of Axa, and Weapon of Vengeance

Carter, Level 271 male Losthavener human Warbreaker, Aristeios, Fianna, Gauric Legion, and Losthaven Guard

Jack, Level 465 male Losthavener bezhuldaar Attuned Zetesis, Aristeios, Explorer, Gatherer, Jhanite Wandslinger, Magister Collegii, Neophyte Warden, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel

Vizel, Level 114 female Losthavener eolon Kazarak, Aristeia, Losthaven Guard, and Losthavener Wandslinger

Jyuton, Level 45 male Losthavener trullja Brute, Discordian Legionnaire, and Kazarzeth

Hace Calor, Level 266 female Losthavener advenus Attuned Aisenshi-Insei-Tanto, Deep Whisperer, Lightbringer, Aristeia, Explorer, Magistra Collegii, Questor of Axa, and Shakarian Wandslinger

Ishmish, Level 149 male Hanoman chaosborn ELF Guerrilla, Aristeios, Crafty Linguist, Explorer, Gatherer, and Wandslinger of Camille

Aimodipsis, Level 126 male Losthavener human Attuned Warbreaker, Cuar Faern, Explorer, Fianna, Losthavener Wandslinger, and Lykouros

Oraror, Level 149 male Losthavener srazh POEE Initiate, Riddlemaster, Tzonazh, Crafty Linguist, Explorer, Gauric Legion, Heth Karad, and Istaxith Wandslinger

Idaho, Level 97 male Losthavener sturmjotun Attuned Shemsu Sutekh, Aristeios, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, and Weapon of Vengeance

Compae, Level 80 female Talantonite eolon Zetesa, Aristeia, and Shakarian Wandslinger

Zusene do'Kajez, Level 66 female Yathrelar drow Shemset Sutekh, Gatherer, Maiden of the Spear, and Ygellethite

Miu, Level 179 female Hanoman advenus Aligned Aristeia and Explorer

Edrick, Level 128 male Losthavener tuatha Aisenshi-Insei-Ken, Aliavelyr, Lightbringer, Aristeios, Kazarzeth, Losthaven Guard, Losthavener Wandslinger, and Questor of Axa

Audacity, Level 112 female Freeholder drow Hantaka, Gatherer, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, Weapon of Vengeance, and Ygellethite

Todkod, Level 95 male Lowlander urga Verynvelyr, Losthaven Guard, and Questor of Axa

Stripe ond Stare, Level 39 female Kolondan eolon Battlerager, Agnihotri, and Aristeia

Gilda ond Pearl, Level 21 female Kolondan eolon Battlerager, Agnihotri, and Discordian Legionnaire

Mystical Introspection, Level 232 hermaphrodite Shadowmyrker nyloc Riddlemaster, Zeteson, Explorer, Magister Collegii, Neophyte Warden, and Stalker of the Gate

Ramlender, Level 27 female Losthavener urlnlek adventurer, Kazarzeth, and Sister of Wine and Song

Drucasta, Level 26 female Archeop aviar Aisenshi-Insei-Yari, Verynvelyr, Agnihotri, Hawkman, and Maiden of the Spear

Lendrae, Level 176 female Losthavener kobold Attuned Ringwielder, Aristeia, Gauric Legion, Istaxith Wandslinger, and Losthaven Guard

Stink, Level 243 male Losthavener puck Verynvelyr, Agnihotri, Chosen of Vashanka, Discordian Legionnaire, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel

Brixmokirg, Level 76 female Almerian wildling llelimin Hantaka, Aristeia, Explorer, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel

Werdna, Level 50 male Talantonite lunaeala Attuned Aisenshi-Insei-Yari, Aristeios, Explorer, and Questor of Axa

Yznys, Level 72 hermaphrodite Nisbetoth drachannach Zeteson, Crafty Linguist, Explorer, and Renegade Wandslinger

Morulin ont Morinhahir, Level 16 male Kolondan eolon Justicar of Axa and Questor of Axa

Agun Ravenor, Level 355 male Talantonite Gezuuni Attuned Traveler, Crafty Linguist, Cuar Faern, Explorer, Fianna, Gauric Legion, Magister Collegii, and Noldor Wandslinger

Ethandrin, Level 147 male Losthavener human Ringwielder, Explorer, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel

Inmar, Level 23 male Losthavener human Reaper

Enn, Level 151 male Wickwer advenus Attuned Traveler, Zetesis, Crafty Linguist, Cuar Faern, Explorer, Fianna, Gauric Legion, and Wandslinger of Camille

Lbs, Level 314 male Hanoman human Attuned Warbreaker, Zetesis, Aristeios, Explorer, Gauric Legion, and Wandslinger of Camille

Nevereme, Level 29 male Losthavener powrie Shemsu Sutekh and Aristeios

Valkyrie Porphyria, Level 430 female Exomka mazikah ELF Guerrilla, POEE Initiate, Ringwielder, Explorer, Kazarzeth, Magistra Collegii, Neophyte Warden, Seelie Wandslinger, Sister of Wine and Song, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, Synousate Algesis, and Weapon of Vengeance

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