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Top Fifty Active Incarnoi in Level To Age Ratio
as of Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 12:00 AM
Addax, Level 93 male Losthavener human Aedarene, Gauric Legion, Losthaven Guard, Lykouros, and Questor of Axa
Vena, Level 344 female Losthavener kobold POEE Initiate, Fianna, Gauric Legion, and Losthaven Guard
Taklinkia, Level 201 female Odaxi bezhuldaar Ringwielder and Weapon of Vengeance
Ark, Level 50 female Losthavener eolon Battlerager, Agnihotri, Aristeia, Gatherer, and Losthaven Guard
Halolis, Level 42 male Losthavener human Warbreaker, Aristeios, and Explorer
Carter, Level 271 male Losthavener human Warbreaker, Aristeios, Fianna, Gauric Legion, and Losthaven Guard
Basgorn, Level 236 male Vanyar human Justicar of Axa and Questor of Axa
Aya, Level 142 male Losthavener human Aligned Fianna, Gatherer, and Lykouros
Limpa, Level 119 neuter Trueborn Amberite Reaper, Inducted, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Bragsin, Level 115 male Losthavener advenus Shemsu Sutekh and Weapon of Vengeance
Ystral, Level 75 female Seelie pixie ELF Guerrilla, Seelie Wandslinger, and Weapon of Vengeance
Ergkil, Level 58 neuter Losthavener invae Reaper and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Season, Level 55 male Trueborn kobold Verynvelyr and member of the Pantarchic Church of Yehovah
Reynard, Level 51 male Trueborn Amberite Hantaka and Aristeios
Remezel, Level 45 female Losthavener lothar Shemset Sutekh
Betirath Sorasson, Level 45 male Beorn human Ulfhednar and Lykouros
Aibo, Level 43 male Hanoman human Verynvelyr, Discordian Legionnaire, Explorer, Gatherer, and Lykouros
Mush, Level 41 male Losthavener narja Zetesis, Explorer, Hellwalker, Wandslinger of Corna, and Weapon of Vengeance
Harley Quinn, Level 38 male Losthavener skaijotun Attuned Brute, Agnihotri, Aristeios, and Losthaven Guard
Theedge, Level 35 male Losthavener ardhalokh Shemsu Sutekh, Aristeios, Discordian Legionnaire, Explorer, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, and Wandslinger of Corna
Magnolia Reinhart, Level 35 female Losthavener human Warbreaker and member of the Pantarchic Church of Yehovah
Ivolethe, Level 32 female Losthavener pixie Kazarak
Thule, Level 581 female Obsidian Gezuuni ELF Guerrilla, Hantaka, POEE Initiate, Ringwielder, Explorer, Losthavener Wandslinger, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Rudeus, Level 401 female Vanyar dana Aliavelyr, Aristeia, Cuar Faern, Explorer, Hanoman Wandslinger, Magistra Collegii, and Questor of Axa
Faendal, Level 383 male Vanyar dana Attuned Zetesis, Cuar Faern, Explorer, Magister Collegii, and Wandslinger of Camille
Esthesbith, Level 353 female Xotic chaosborn Deep Whisperer, POEE Initiate, Agnihotri, Aristeia, Fianna, Gauric Legion, Losthaven Guard, and Losthavener Wandslinger
Eithne, Level 321 female Shakarian advenus Attuned Deep Whisperer, Zetesa, Agnihotri, Aristeia, Fianna, Gauric Legion, and Wandslinger of Camille
Levizel, Level 95 female Freeholder pixie Frater Verbus Glacialis, Magistra Collegii, and Shakarian Wandslinger
Orcneas, Level 93 male Hanoman urga Brute, Hellwalker, and Weapon of Vengeance
Alila, Level 84 female Losthavener pixie Kazarak
Vesor, Level 77 male Losthavener sturmjotun Brute
Lex, Level 77 male Obsidian Gezuuni Zetesis, Aristeios, Explorer, Stalker of the Gate, and Wandslinger of Corna
Yznys, Level 72 hermaphrodite Nisbetoth drachannach Zeteson, Crafty Linguist, Explorer, and Renegade Wandslinger
Thunderchild, Level 66 female Losthavener eolon Attuned Verynvelyr, Aristeia, and Gatherer
Cirdan, Level 66 male Trueborn Amberite Justicar of Axa, Losthavener Wandslinger, and Questor of Axa
Krackaz, Level 55 male Losthavener kentaur Attuned Shapeshifter, Agnihotri, Aristeios, Gatherer, Losthaven Guard, Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel, and Wandslinger of Camille
Nixalks, Level 50 male Losthavener srazh Attuned Verynvelyr and Gauric Legion
Netalor, Level 47 male Lowlander ardhalokh Verynvelyr and Losthaven Guard
Jyuton, Level 45 male Losthavener trullja Brute, Discordian Legionnaire, and Kazarzeth
Chrygustius, Level 42 female Losthavener duergar Verynvelyr, Cuar Faern, and Renegade Wandslinger
Demonic, Level 41 neuter Hellspawn zenun Reaper and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Kowadoth, Level 40 neuter Losthavener sturmjotun Reaper, Agnihotri, and Sodalist of the Nine-Spoked Wheel
Billop Barleycorn, Level 36 male Losthavener advenus Deep Whisperer and Aristeios
Calissa, Level 35 female Freeholder pixie Soror Zephyrius Mutatoris and Weapon of Vengeance
Sterling, Level 34 male Xotic chaosborn POEE Initiate, Aristeios, Crafty Linguist, and Gatherer
Aramemor, Level 34 male Shakarian human Attuned Warbreaker, Aristeios, and Crafty Linguist
Sohal, Level 32 neuter Othran bezhuldaar Shapeshifter, Aristeion, Explorer, and Weapon of Vengeance
Boralama, Level 29 female Rukhani lothar Battlerager
Niaouli, Level 28 hermaphrodite Vanyar aethoss Frater Ignis Aeternis
Dainwe, Level 28 male Losthavener lunaeala Zetesis
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