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System Changelog Entry #8371

Summary lostsouls.dev
Rated Importance
1 rater
Rated Value
1 rater
Type unclassifiable
By Starhound
When Sep 20 2024 1:50 PM
Description we now have a public sandbox server hosted on-premise available at lostsouls.dev on port 23. this server is shutdown nightly at 1am EST and refreshed with the latest data from the previous backup. this system will be useful to the development team for handling tasks related to issue replication and development of services around the game world. its been left accessible to players so those interested can work with the development team to demonstrate issues in a safe space. being on our own hardware, there's additional layers of security and rate limiting in place on this domain, if you have any issues please direct them to me.
Reason this is useful to me personally for developing web services that interface with the game itself. hopfully it will be of use for other developers.
Result better development practices and capabilities
Version not updated

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