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System Changelog Page 122/185

# By When Type Ratings Summary
6524 Chaos Sep 17 2016 CE ***+ ****+ the Tzakazhar
6525 Marcosy Sep 17 2016 CC ***** ***** eldritch bonds
6526 Marcosy Sep 18 2016 CR ****+ ** Aedarene numerical effects rebalanced
6527 Marcosy Sep 18 2016 CR ***+ ** Gezuuni Runic Command modifiers updated to use new bonus structure
6528 Chaos Sep 19 2016 LR * ***+ changed plural of zuth to zuthar
6529 Chaos Sep 19 2016 CR *+ ***+ made it so you can climb around Otan's cave
6530 Chaos Sep 19 2016 LR **+ ** dracon -> srazh
6531 Twilight Sep 19 2016 CR **+ **** aligned chakra form adjustments
6532 Twilight Sep 19 2016 CR * * Tzakazhar elide Hethar Karad
6533 Twilight Sep 20 2016 CR *** *** reverted change 6532
6534 Chaos Sep 20 2016 LBF * *** fixed naga organs
6535 Chaos Sep 20 2016 LR **+ *** removed generic magical-attack staves
6536 Chaos Sep 21 2016 LE *** **** made draconic-required, anthropic-allowed bond capabilities available via lux
6537 Chaos Sep 26 2016 LE *** *** psychophrasty skill
6538 Marcosy Sep 26 2016 CR *** *** gezuuni runes now require psychophrasty instead of noeturgy
6539 Marcosy Sep 26 2016 CE *** *** new runic command: gersear
6540 Chaos Sep 27 2016 LR * *** reclassified prestidigitation and symbology as esoteric skills
6541 Chaos Sep 27 2016 LR *** *** channeling -> equilibrium
6543 Twilight Sep 29 2016 CR ****+ ***** substantial bond xp now given for consort completing quest
6544 Chaos Sep 29 2016 LE ***** ***** inobvious skill learning
6545 Chaos Sep 29 2016 CR *** *** some scrying tweaks
6546 Chaos Sep 29 2016 LR ** ***** reverted 6514
6547 Chaos Oct 2 2016 LR * ***+ made alchemy a craft skill
6548 Chaos Oct 2 2016 LE *+ *** wingwarmer armour type
6549 Marcosy Oct 3 2016 CR *** **** Darkforged Gezuuni Rune Lore specialty access doubled

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