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System Changelog Page 62/183

# By When Type Ratings Summary
4636 Chaos Mar 8 2010 LE *+ **** added horticulture skill
4637 Twilight Mar 10 2010 CR *+ **** adjusted mindtrauma tea event probabilities
4638 Chaos Mar 14 2010 LBF * **** fixed weapon degradation with respect to negative features
4639 Chaos Mar 15 2010 CBF ***+ ***+ made BoWaS tavern hop bring followers
4640 Chaos Mar 15 2010 CR ***+ ****+ OIA, OZM, Traveler extended cast tweak
4641 Chaos Mar 15 2010 LR *** **** added tenacity + discipline to process interrupt resistance
4642 Chaos Mar 15 2010 CR **+ ****+ allowed OOC actions in wild talent concentration
4643 Elronuan Mar 17 2010 CR *+ ***+ Stalkers portal sizing
4645 Chaos Mar 25 2010 CR *+ ****+ demonic blood bloodlust resistance
4647 Chaos Mar 26 2010 LE ***+ ***** 'look for' command
4648 Chaos Mar 26 2010 LE *** ****+ added 'look for whatever here' form
4650 Chaos Mar 28 2010 LR **** ***+ removed enchanted ring forced-remove
4652 Chaos Mar 28 2010 CR **+ ****+ LH thugs perform muggings
4656 Chaos Mar 29 2010 CR *+ **** Lupine entry requirement change
4657 Elronuan Mar 29 2010 CR *** **** Fixed up wandslinger vigil aggression.
4658 Chaos Mar 29 2010 LE *** ****+ look ... and report
4659 Lysator Mar 30 2010 CR **+ *+ Shamanic bonds for OIA
4660 Chaos Mar 31 2010 CR *** **** reverted change 4659
4661 Chaos Apr 1 2010 LE **+ ****+ added spread to in-game changelog rating reports
4662 Chaos Apr 2 2010 CE **+ ****+ made spirit transfer Empathic Bond charms
4665 Chaos Apr 2 2010 CR **+ ****+ added spirit transfer charms to some familiar types
4666 Twilight Apr 3 2010 CR * ***+ changed energy conversion back to pre-change-4665 levels
4667 Lysator Apr 4 2010 CR **+ ****+ fixed up the LH pet shop
4668 Chaos Apr 15 2010 LE **+ **** added 'help effective skill'
4669 Chaos Apr 16 2010 CR *+ **** factored Kelestiri out of Et'zlaerhi

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