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System Changelog Entry #3931

Summary updated rangers to accomodate anthropically sentient familiars
Rated Importance
5 raters
Rated Value
5 raters
Type content expansion
By Twilight
When Sep 8 2008 1:53 PM
Description i don't want this to happen except in special circumstances, but when it happens it may as well be modelled properly. the differences are, (1) in an anthropic bond, you don't get any specialty bonuses, or set attribute bonuses, and your familiar doesn't get any set skill/attr bonuses. instead, you both get a bonus based on the others unmodified skills/attrs. for each skill/attr your familiar has, you get a portion of that as a bonus, and vice versa. (2) you can't directly will your familiar to do stuff. it has language; learn it, use it. (3) your familiar won't automatically die if you break the bond with it. it rather suffers similar effects to the ranger.
Reason modelling is good
Result modelling
Projects Rangers
Version not updated

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