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System Changelog Entry #5336

Summary vastly increased orienteering train-by-use, with local degradation
Rated Importance
5 raters
Rated Value
5 raters
Type lib revision
By Chaos
When Jan 31 2013 12:49 AM
Description 1) Increased the basic rate of training through use that orienteering skill gets by a factor of 20 to 40, with you learning more in situations where you're having to work to get results than in ones where you have complete mastery. 2) Made the system keep a history of where you've used orienteering and degrade your learning rate when you use it repeatedly within a certain distance, down to zero.
Reason It was training really ridiculously too slowly, for something that after initial training is exactly the sort of thing you'd learn mainly by using.
Result You learn orienteering by using it much more quickly, but that doesn't mean you can just go park yourself in a room and spam-tick it to max it out.
Version lib revision incremented to Ain Soph 2.6.70

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