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System Changelog Entry #7332

Summary activity adjustments to ovg staff maneuvers
Rated Importance
1 rater
Rated Value
1 rater
Type content revision
By Starhound
When Feb 20 2018 6:28 PM
Description altered the maneuvers granted by the sceptrum focus and cryomer staff to have hard coded static activity costs. maneuvers granted from the focus type have slightly higher costs due to being more powerful and require the use of multiple energies. combat mode no longer has any impact on the cost of performing these armed maneuvers.
Reason the maneuvers were previously formulating activity costs based off of adjustments taken from the core activity cost of the cryomer staff + adjustments made from combat modes. the costs of these maneuvers became drastically low when the need for altering the weapon type arised for smaller races which get a cane weapon instead. was unintended as being smaller shouldn't make you any quicker at channeling energy through your staff or cane.
Result equalized the activity costs of these maneuvers across all ovg players.
Projects Ordo Verbus Glacialis
Version not updated

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