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System Changelog Entry #7242

Summary added maneuvers to cat bond
Rated Importance
3 raters
Rated Value
3 raters
Type content expansion
By Starhound
When Nov 15 2017 6:24 PM
Description added a handful of unarmed maneuvers to the cat bond type. only applies to normal cats, not psionic or elicats. cat bond was one of those bonds that didn't have much flavor and instead just got silly enhancements to their rating factors, so now they have other things instead.
Reason [2017 Nov 15 09:56] Marcosy: @starodge you can pretty much do whatever you want as long as the combat capabilities it produces are roughly in line with stuff in man balancing
Result hopfully a more fun bond type
Projects Empathic Bonds
Version not updated

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