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System Changelog Entry #8022

Summary Allowed Skogarhoggen to become Kazarak
Rated Importance
2 raters
Rated Value
2 raters
Type content revision
By Benerius
When Aug 31 2022 11:07 AM
Description No change has technically happened; I'm just clarifying that this (while initially unintended) is appropriate behaviour.
Reason I was made aware that someone was able to join Kazarak earlier. They were initially stripped (since supernal sentiences are generally forbidden from joining guilds), but it makes sense logically(and metaphyscially) that a Kazar demon would be capable of subsuming and replacing the essence of supernal creatures.
Result More variety in gameplay styles for Skogarhoggen; they also lose their ability to use their unique 'powers' when they become Kazarak, so it's not too insane balance wise. In the future, I would like to more clearly model this interaction -- with more robust Skogarhogg abilities and them being explicitly stripped if you become Kazarak, but for now, the permanent Spiritual Disjunction works well enough to disable them.
Projects Kazarak
Version not updated

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