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System Changelog Entry #3121

Summary chakras only maintained, not charged, by meditation
Rated Importance
1 rater
Rated Value
1 rater
Type lib revision
By Chaos
When Aug 14 2007 3:06 PM
Description revised chakras so that ordinary meditation only maintains them (preventing the gradual loss of energy from them) rather than charging them up; this does not apply to the special meditation mechanics in place for Attuned
Reason it was never the intention of the chakra mechanics to heavily incentivize idling while meditating, and the effects on the game of that incentive are stupid; in general, chakras should be less of a rack-em-all-up keep-them-running-forever thing that winds up just gratuitously pumping up power levels
Result meditating only keeps your chakras where they are, doesn't charge them; actual effects designed to charge or recharge chakras are now the primary source of energy for them; people will probably not be able to permanently maintain large chakra sets like they have been doing
Version lib revision incremented to Ain Soph 2.2.459

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