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System Changelog Entry #7726

Summary knights of the round table: general update
Rated Importance
2 raters
Rated Value
2 raters
Type content revision
By Starhound
When Aug 8 2021 11:45 PM
Description converted the few powers still active defined by add_actions() on the knights affiliation link into maneuver files. removed the sense power due to legacy concerns (we want to do away with alignment). increased knights specialty access acrross the board, granted them 10 points in combat focus as well. slightly improved the damage turn undead does but much was left as is. changed the knight hood level to hero.
Reason knights was old, I want to place a paladin guild on top of them but we should first modernize them a bit.
Result knights of the round table now has its core powers operating off modern systems. is in a good place for future expansions and revisions.
Projects Knights of the Round Table
Version world minor version incremented to Lost Souls 0.14.0

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