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System Changelog Entry #5446

Summary Lex Talionis
Rated Importance
1 rater
Rated Value
1 rater
Type content creation
By Twilight
When Aug 16 2013 9:41 AM
Description generalized much of the wandslinger vigil functionality into an egregore that for now i'm calling Lex Talionis. it handles maintaining tabs on what areas are legitimate for this sort of thing and not, and specific calls are added with Lex_Talionis_Add_Target_Acquisition_Call(closure) and Lex_Talionis_Add_Target_Death_Call(closure). death call receives the same args as do_die, and target_acquisition_call receies the same args as do_guardian_acquire_target. each area is called a locus (plural loci) for purposes of this functionality. wandslingers will still refer to them as vigils and their functionality should be completely unchanged
Reason i'm duplicating some of this functionality elsewhere, which means it's time to think about factoring the code instead of copypasta
Result can add this functionality elsewhere without copypasta. also in the future we can do things like defintionalize loci and such.
Projects Lex Talionis, Wandslingers
Version world revision incremented to Lost Souls 0.3.15

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