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System Changelog Entry #7589

Summary major rewrite to apagion familiar
Rated Importance
2 raters
Rated Value
2 raters
Type content revision
By Twilight
When Jan 2 2020 12:37 PM
Description apagiones now function fundamentally differently and dangerously as familiars, so please do read. 1. lost access to all but default charms. 2. autoheal behavior (healing) replaced with general regeneration capacity (similar to sheathed peacemaker, for example). gets better with various skills. 3. at 51% bond, you gain access to 99% reliable lifesaving, assuming your apagion is present and no NM or NL suppressors active. 4. at 51% bond, you gain the perdition trait. 5. extropy energy is no longer relevant for the bond. 6. more attributes and skills have been added to the bond but probably not the ones you care that much about (e.g. artistic), for the most part, anyway.
Reason life is fleeting
Result death is permanent
Projects Empathic Bonds
Version world revision incremented to Lost Souls 0.11.6

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