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System Changelog Page 113/185

# By When Type Ratings Summary
6264 Marcosy Feb 13 2016 CBF *** ***** fixed bug in Aedarene Temporary Summons
6265 Marcosy Feb 14 2016 CR ** **** overhauled ELF companion code structure
6266 Marcosy Feb 16 2016 CBF **+ ****+ lattice bug fixed
6267 Marcosy Feb 16 2016 CR ****+ *** some combat formula changes
6268 Marcosy Feb 20 2016 CR **** **** conjoin charm UI/UX updated
6269 Chaos Feb 20 2016 LR ***** ***** made randomized limb damage distribution fairer
6270 Chaos Feb 20 2016 LR *** *** made the 'help' command autonomon-accessible
6271 Chaos Feb 21 2016 LR *** **** made many informational displays available for autonomoi
6272 Marcosy Feb 21 2016 CE *+ ***+ POEE updated somewhat
6273 Chaos Feb 21 2016 CR *+ ***+ made POEE conjure more reasonable
6274 Chaos Feb 21 2016 CE *+ ***+ lenses of mimesis
6275 Marcosy Feb 21 2016 CR *+ ***+ additional POEE updates/streamlining
6276 Marcosy Feb 21 2016 CR *+ ***+ buffed illuminate
6277 Marcosy Feb 21 2016 CE *+ ***+ improved rift
6278 Marcosy Feb 21 2016 CR * *** poee channel types gated
6279 Marcosy Feb 21 2016 CR * *** poee channel levels simplified
6280 Marcosy Feb 22 2016 CR * ***+ poee skill access updated
6281 Marcosy Feb 22 2016 CR * ***+ gated poee chaos purity
6282 Marcosy Feb 23 2016 CR ** ***+ poee now use chaos energy
6283 Marcosy Feb 24 2016 CE *+ ***+ poee power schema updated and new power added
6284 Marcosy Feb 24 2016 CE *+ ***+ new POEE power: exploding rift
6285 Marcosy Feb 25 2016 CE *+ ***+ elective funge / exomanautics
6286 Marcosy Feb 25 2016 CR * *** poee power syntaxes updated
6287 Marcosy Feb 26 2016 CR * *** poee conjure refactored
6288 Marcosy Feb 26 2016 CE * ***+ illuminate refactored

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