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System Changelog Page 26/183

# By When Type Ratings Summary
3293 Twilight Oct 11 2007 CE **+ **** wandslingers now gain benefits for defending their vigil
3294 Twilight Oct 13 2007 CBF *+ ***+ temporarily disabled wandslinger's ability to acquire ka
3295 Twilight Oct 13 2007 CBF ** ***+ made vigil daemon for wandslingers, reinstated ka thing
3296 Chaos Oct 13 2007 LE **+ **** made trait adjectives bring them up in the help system
3297 Chaos Oct 13 2007 LR **+ ***** changed wimpy/fearless interaction
3299 Twilight Oct 14 2007 CBF *+ **** holton can die again
3300 Twilight Oct 14 2007 CBF ** **** wandslingers no longer gain ka from ordering their own followers to attack their vigils
3301 Twilight Oct 15 2007 CBF *+ **** fixed lotus for sai quest
3302 Chaos Oct 18 2007 LR ** ****+ made start/stop attacking able to take multiple attacks
3303 Chaos Oct 18 2007 CBF *+ ****+ fixed stormlord talent
3304 Chaos Oct 18 2007 LE *** ****+ made screen reader version of 'show keep capacity'
3305 Chaos Oct 18 2007 LE **+ **** added totals to 'show keep capacity'
3307 Chaos Oct 18 2007 LE **+ ***** made 'show keep usage'
3308 Chaos Oct 18 2007 LE *** ***** made screen reader version of 'show keep usage'
3309 Chaos Oct 18 2007 LE ** **** added validity display to 'show keep usage'
3310 Chaos Oct 18 2007 CR ** ***+ gave Ringwielders a little bit of unarmed + brawling spec access
3312 Chaos Oct 18 2007 CBF *+ ***+ fixed Red Magi move-and-release-containment-sphere
3313 Chaos Oct 18 2007 LE ** **** created ergimancy skill
3314 Chaos Oct 18 2007 CR ** ***+ revised RW ghelisk and ulkhnaur runes
3315 Chaos Oct 18 2007 LR ** ****+ made enchantment interfere with psionic matrix operation
3316 Twilight Oct 19 2007 CE ** **** implemented wandslinger random raiding parties
3317 Twilight Oct 19 2007 CE ** ***+ wandslinger raiders revisions
3318 Twilight Oct 19 2007 CBF ** **** fixed wand batteries from randomly exploding
3319 Twilight Oct 19 2007 CR ** ****+ updated wandslinger help files quite a bit
3320 Twilight Oct 21 2007 CBF **+ ****+ made wandslinger raiders disappear after 15-20 minutes

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