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System Changelog Page 38/183

# By When Type Ratings Summary
3722 Twilight Apr 23 2008 LR *** ***** increased local alias max from 50 to 100
3723 Twilight Apr 23 2008 LR **+ ***** decreased aethoss negative resists
3724 Chaos Apr 23 2008 CR ** ***+ some renaming
3725 Chaos Apr 23 2008 CR ** ****+ more renaming
3726 Chaos Apr 23 2008 LR *+ ****+ decommissioned phantasians
3727 Twilight Apr 23 2008 CE **+ ****+ two azure spells, azure robe
3728 Twilight Apr 24 2008 LE *+ **** "clear befriending" added
3729 Twilight Apr 24 2008 CE *+ **** three azure spells: skyfury, numb, and osprey's call
3730 Chaos Apr 25 2008 CR **+ ***** made clerics earn experience by healing
3731 Twilight Apr 25 2008 CE *+ ****+ four azure spells: electrical protection, scithial armour, secret and secret
3732 Twilight Apr 25 2008 CR *+ **** somewhat nerfed sais
3733 Chaos Apr 25 2008 LR ***+ ***+ tuned weapon size effects, esp. increasing large weapons' damage
3734 Twilight Apr 25 2008 LR *+ **** process interrupts will display with status: failure color
3735 Chaos Apr 25 2008 CR ** **** super-inexpensive training for knights from Lancelot
3736 Elronuan Apr 26 2008 CE *+ **** count attackers status bar element added
3738 Twilight Apr 26 2008 LR *+ **** made raptorak's legend req instead of hero
3739 Twilight Apr 26 2008 CE *+ **** two new azure spells: sunlit senses and magick dart
3740 Chaos Apr 26 2008 CE *+ **** new azure spell: seeker spark
3743 Twilight Apr 26 2008 CR *+ **** increased wandslinger spec requirements in a few ways
3744 Twilight Apr 27 2008 CR *+ **** new azure spell: compression ram; misc azure revisions
3745 Twilight Apr 27 2008 CE *+ **** reintroduced electrical storm for azures
3746 Erebus Apr 28 2008 CE *+ ***** added spell 'thunderforge' to azure magi
3747 Chaos Apr 29 2008 LR **** **** instructor mechanics revisions
3748 Erebus Apr 29 2008 LE **+ ****+ added 'eye gouge' general maneuver
3749 Erebus Apr 29 2008 CBF *+ **** the ghost of miorin will teleport you

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