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System Changelog Page 83/183

# By When Type Ratings Summary
5346 Chaos Feb 6 2013 LE ***+ ***** attribute development focus
5347 Chaos Feb 6 2013 LR * ***+ removed wimpy placeholders
5348 Chaos Feb 6 2013 LR *+ **** made sv a standard alias to subvocalize
5349 Chaos Feb 6 2013 CR * ***+ changed longshot activation/deactivation syntax
5350 Chaos Feb 6 2013 CR * ***+ changed morning's prime, sphaera interaction
5351 Chaos Feb 6 2013 LR * ***+ removed feel command
5352 Chaos Feb 6 2013 LE ** **** new skill: piety
5353 Chaos Feb 6 2013 LE *+ **** new skill: critical thinking
5354 Chaos Feb 7 2013 LR **+ **** some rewriting of mentation commands
5355 Twilight Feb 7 2013 CR *+ ***** various lightbringers improvements
5356 Nilten Feb 8 2013 CE *+ ***** new lightbringer volition: sunlight
5357 Twilight Feb 9 2013 CE *+ ***** continuing lightbringer revisions
5358 Chaos Feb 10 2013 CE **+ **** gland command
5359 Chaos Feb 11 2013 CR *+ **** second-order markov chaining
5360 Chaos Feb 11 2013 CE *+ **** glandular rhyming
5361 Twilight Feb 14 2013 CE *+ ****+ reinforcement volition for lightbringers
5362 Twilight Feb 14 2013 CE *+ ****+ lightbringers: conflagration
5363 Twilight Feb 16 2013 CE *+ ****+ lightbringers: balance and empower
5365 Chaos Feb 18 2013 LR *+ *** cosmological tweak: steam -> ooze
5366 Chaos Feb 19 2013 LR *** **** automatic color change messages become color-neutral if relevant
5367 Twilight Feb 19 2013 CE *+ ***** lightbringers: sunlock
5370 Twilight Feb 21 2013 CR *+ ****+ lightbringers: thematic stuff
5371 Chaos Feb 23 2013 LR **+ ****+ show companions
5372 Chaos Feb 24 2013 LE *+ **** personal lore setting
5373 Chaos Feb 24 2013 LR *+ ****+ made the escape skill improve narrow space passage

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