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System Changelog Entry #7754

Summary Rebalanced Dakshina again
Rated Importance
1 rater
Rated Value
1 rater
Type content revision
By Benerius
When Sep 12 2021 9:08 AM
Description Dakshina, even after the initial nerfs, were still getting massive value in specs for just existing compared to other 200-lux races. To help mitigate this somewhat, I removed certain superfluous specialty access (climbing, jumping), and reduced their bonus specs and specialty access across the board (except for supernal durability and regeneration, the access to which I increased to 4 from 3). I also slightly increased their minimum attribute ranges for everything except strength, vitality, and size, to give them a bit of a boost since their ranges are fairly meh for their caliber.
Reason I should've done this a while back
Result Hopefully a more balanced race. I know it sucks to see nerfs, but bonus specialties are so incredibly valuable in the racial economy and these guys were just too overtuned. I hope the small compensations I added help balance it out a bit, and they honestly still get a staggering amount of specs.
Version not updated

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