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System Changelog Entry #4702

Summary size attribute reworking
Rated Importance
5 raters
Rated Value
3 raters
Type lib revision
By Chaos
When Jun 24 2010 12:52 PM
Description Changed the fundamental significance of the size attribute from being about height (which is then modified according to the 'elongation' of your race to find out how much bulk you have for leverage purposes) to being about bulk, i.e. volume. This necessitates fairly extensive changes to racial size attribute ranges, most particularly to races with extreme elongation values. Short and stocky races like thondur will find that they have much larger size attributes, and tall skinny races like danaan will find that they have somewhat smaller size attributes, for example. I anticipate that there will be more details to work out before matters are entirely sane in this area.
Reason Getting rid of nasty legacy effects.
Result Size attribute models what's actually significant about size instead of primarily selecting your height, which was a nasty legacy effect.
Version lib revision incremented to Ain Soph 2.3.201

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