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System Changelog Entry #5073

Summary some unicorn horn nerfs
Rated Importance
4 raters
Rated Value
4 raters
Type content revision
By Twilight
When Apr 27 2011 4:56 PM
Description made golden unicorn horn less reliable, especially for high severity mental disorders and for permanent mental disorders. (it can still work, it's just less likely to and it has to be a particularly strong horn to cure a particularly strong mental disorder). also made it so that repping horns degrades their power considerable.
Reason i think the 100% reliable of gold horns was an oversight. as for the repping, i kinda liked it when aligned came out and it was this cool novel thing they could do, but now i'm irritated that i have no way of penalizing players that they can't easily bypass
Result mental disorders harder to remove
Projects Unicorn Races, Aligned
Version not updated

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