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System Changelog Page 81/183

# By When Type Ratings Summary
5265 Chaos Dec 5 2012 LE **** ***** show effects
5267 Chaos Dec 5 2012 LR * ***+ bulletproofed report command against command length
5268 Chaos Dec 7 2012 LR **+ ***** wielding/holding stuff makes movement slower
5272 Chaos Dec 11 2012 LE * **** added status: recovery color style
5273 Chaos Dec 11 2012 CR **+ ****+ wild talent damage from psychic shock
5274 Chaos Dec 11 2012 CR *+ ****+ made harmonist potentially heal talent damage and mental disorders
5277 Lull Dec 14 2012 CE **+ ***** opening of new area: Iaocia
5280 Chaos Dec 15 2012 LR *+ ****+ changed 'creature' generic target specifier to 'being'
5281 Chaos Dec 15 2012 CR * ***** made empathic bond sunapsis charm self-disable on no dialog
5282 Chaos Dec 15 2012 LBF * **** made sessility work again
5285 Chaos Dec 17 2012 CR *** ****+ removed Shapeshifter alignment restriction
5286 Chaos Dec 17 2012 LR *+ **** tweaks to attribute development mechanics
5287 Chaos Dec 18 2012 LR *+ ****+ assigned knowledge skills to planar-energy affinities & resistances
5290 Fate Dec 24 2012 CR **+ ***+ updated map displays for the screen reader term setting
5291 Chaos Dec 24 2012 CR *+ **+ temporarily decommissioned unicorn horns
5292 Chaos Dec 24 2012 LR *+ **** made flux weapon known identities always activated form
5293 Chaos Dec 27 2012 LBF ** ****+ fixed conceptual navigation appearance messages
5294 Chaos Dec 27 2012 CR **+ **** gave bond consorts a message on familiar CN termination
5297 Chaos Dec 28 2012 U * ***+ expanded rules coverage of timers and triggers
5298 Nilten Dec 28 2012 CR *+ ****+ moved Muspelheim from Skarlan to Gardagh
5305 Chaos Jan 4 2013 LR *+ ****+ made static-inventory traders use generic item descriptions
5306 Chaos Jan 5 2013 LR *+ ***** renamed the henchman-type usage of 'follower' to 'companion'
5307 Chaos Jan 5 2013 LR *** ****+ changed /me/, /my/ mechanism for companion commands
5308 Chaos Jan 5 2013 LE **+ ***+ implemented general companion limit
5309 Chaos Jan 5 2013 LE *+ ***+ made 'show companion limit'

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