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System Changelog Entry #5221
Summary | reinstated familiar nickname publication |
Rated Importance | |
Rated Value | |
Type | content revision |
By | Twilight |
When | Feb 6 2012 1:00 PM |
Description | if you set a nickname for your familiar, everyone will see it as your familiar's name. so you can effectively name your familiar. if you abuse this you will be banned from being able to do this for life, on all of your characters. abuses include naming your familiar something in all caps, putting framing ascii art around your familiars name, naming your familiar something stupid, putting egregiously inappropriate colors around your familiar's name, and probably countless other things. the bans will be applied at my whim and i will not bother to feel bad about banning you when you don't deserve it. |
Reason | don't want the abusers to punish the people who don't abuse this functionality |
Result | familiar naming |
Projects | Empathic Bonds |
Version | world revision incremented to Lost Souls 0.0.40 |
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