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System Changelog Page 79/183

# By When Type Ratings Summary
5211 Twilight Jan 19 2012 CR *** ***+ removed attuned killing tracking when target is an incarnos
5212 Lysator Jan 20 2012 CR **+ **+ Made Kalashk playable/viviable
5214 Nilten Jan 25 2012 CE **+ ***+ Kazarak Trainer
5215 Twilight Jan 26 2012 CE **+ ***+ hellwalker spruce-up
5216 Twilight Jan 28 2012 CE ** ****+ hedgehog familiars
5217 Twilight Jan 31 2012 CE ** ***+ night vision charm for bats and owls
5218 Nilten Feb 1 2012 CE **+ **** New Area: Uvmothog
5219 Chaos Feb 3 2012 LE ** **** hemolymph
5220 Nilten Feb 5 2012 CE *** **** New area: Vasbarghad
5221 Twilight Feb 6 2012 CR **+ ***+ reinstated familiar nickname publication
5222 Lysator Feb 6 2012 CBF ** ***+ Updated the handling of Fianna restrictions
5223 Chaos Feb 9 2012 CR ***+ ****+ gave personal microcosms a capacity limit
5224 Twilight Feb 12 2012 LBF *** ***+ more weather display fixes
5225 Lysator Feb 12 2012 CE *+ ***+ New Area: Arnedio Shrine
5226 Twilight Feb 18 2012 CR *** ***+ various limb regeneration nerfings
5227 Twilight Feb 18 2012 LR ***+ ****+ ignore now atman wide
5228 Twilight Feb 18 2012 LBF **+ ****+ fixed perform change rating
5229 Twilight Feb 18 2012 CR **+ ***+ aligned ambience fieldcraft bonus nerf
5230 Twilight Feb 18 2012 CR **+ ***+ traveler divine teleportation cooldown
5231 Twilight Feb 23 2012 LE **** ****+ new spellcasting system
5232 Twilight Feb 23 2012 CR **+ ****+ coven ritual of the shawl converted to new spellcasting system
5233 Chaos Feb 24 2012 LR **+ ****+ made start/stop attacking handle 'all'
5234 Twilight Feb 27 2012 CR **+ ****+ nizari bonus xp on killing mark
5235 Nilten Mar 9 2012 CC * **** new quirky artifact and NPC
5236 Twilight Mar 11 2012 CR **+ ***+ various changes pertaining to wand fire volley

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